The competitive healthcare landscape in the face of veering technological upswings

7 min read

medical staff

The demand for an agile business measure

The business landscape is continuing to change. Millennials’ attitude is evolving into a more consumeristic one. Technological advances are perpetual, and so is the market behavior and public relations of the 21st Century. The trend is seamlessly affecting every industry, which includes physician practice and healthcare at large. But not many physicians are embracing such transformation with entirety. There seems to be an expanding vacuum of market adaptation in existence that has pricked the healthcare system.

The 21st-century market trend

Until not long ago, trade was rather a simple chore. The commerce demand was more weighty than supply, product, and service Structure. And generation was the most central backers of the business deals.

However, recently, the high quantity output has become an easy mission making the market terrain crammed with large quantities of equivalent products and services.

In the face of finite expanses of alleys, monopolized supply and demand, and clearly defined customer touch-points, business nonsense has grown out of proportion. For any encounter, it has enabled customers and businesses to engage in the exchange of information, provide service, or handle transactions with much efficiency.

The historical Perspective

In the olden days, it was the class identities and big creative ideas that added the most value to companies. It was when their first building block, organizational hierarchies were fixed and silo-based.

The traditional business model, products, and campaigns’ life cycles were at the two ends of the spectrum; painstakingly long or vertical. Systems arrangement reflected the process by starting up with the account team, continuing to planning, creating, to roll out massive campaigns. The traditional method was controversial, yet a fruitful way to collaborate and attain the end objectives.

medical staff healthcare

But, today, this way of doing things is often perceived as another obstacle to withstand. Some of these changes can be related to the expansion of social media channels, search engine capacities, online video, millions of web pages, and e-commerce. It seems that even Television itself has swiveled isolated static customer paths into a dynamic experience by fragmenting a piece of single information into millions of data points.

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What is changing?

In the contemporary realm, data is broken down into hundreds or thousands of discrete units of independent information or isolated facts. Statistically speaking or logical sense, a data point usually originates from a measurement or research primarily represented numbers or graphics.

In reality, the average customer has transformed into a likely media source, cultivating a highly fragmented landscape.

Today, products, services, and varieties are more than ever exemplified by what prospects or cultural tendencies make of them; and how they’re distinguished and judged by consumers.

Besides, we see a shortening of the product life cycles that are vastly dynamic. The latter has always existed in historically traditional industries such as automotive. As a consequence, The car industry has utterly shifted from an old norm, of seven-year launches, to annual model variety with frequent updates, especially with 4G technology revamps.

Industrial evolution must parallel the market and brand fluidity

Within the ever-expanding data science and data mining; marketers and brand experts are becoming more than ever the gatekeepers of the modern patronage. Hence, those entities that master their marketing and brand; are not only going to survive but will also prosper. Nevertheless, not all industries have triumphed that transition, even though the majority are on the fast track towards mastering the art of data fragmentation and analytics.

The reform of Business models

The Business models of the current era, support shift from a tangible product into the service-and-subscription arrangement. The latter model supports any device, along with its components that incorporated into the entire product benefaction. The latest applies to all industries, including healthcare, computers, and the car industry.

Concomitantly to maintain the most value to their services, we’re witnessing an organizational shift. Through this, companies are taking a multitude of critical operations, like data analytics, content creation, or design, into their own hands.

The latest trend is a strategy primarily outsourced during the former system. Still, because of advances made in Data Science, Machine learning and Data mining technology, corporations are eagerly pivoting their strategies to curb the market dynamics. The latter, in turn, requires entities to rethink their value offering to their clients.

Meanwhile, concomitantly businSystemesses must learn to restructure their expertise.

Organizational restructuring and talent retention

There is an increasing system demand to restructure amid attracting and retaining the best talents while containing costs. Within the new assembly, the ultimate transparency is a must.

The contemporary system must uphold and maintain an environment of secure collaboration, automation, and smart policies. The modern system should be able to poke collaborators at the right time and let them contribute from anywhere at any time. The arrangement necessitates the organizational restructuring to be supported by modern software solutions.

New insight into the modern business trend

Insights into the market trends and the shift that is moving away from traditional market research need recognition. And the fact that it has given way to real-time audience testing, first-party data analytics, and modeling. To establish a compelling insight into the prevailing market every business model requires backing in data-management and analytics. It must also embrace new processes to test fresh ideas and approaching the market.

Computer room, management

Market trend and the modern shift

It is a well-recognized fact that the significance of Marketing and Branding is of utmost importance. On the contrary to past patterns where marketing strategies primarily emphasized through large top-down massive campaigns, today the branding and marketing are becoming personalized. It means that instead of always being on messaging, values, and significant objectives, they are broken down into multi-focused micro-campaigns. However, to efficiently execute, it requires agile project implementation and quick finishing, preferably rolled-out in-house or through strategic partnership.

Agile project management technologies must be adapted that primarily focus on robust rollouts by an efficient and flexible team. The utterance of the process must respect a continuous inflow of feedback. It is hence fundamental that; instead of attempting to solve every issue in a few amendments, the agile team utilizes shorter phases in the development cycle to cover only a few updates at a time. Likewise, the collaborative milieu is ought to continually release a steady, elevated level of quality stepped improvements.

The branding and marketing experts have expanded that pushing money into big ideas, content, or media will not address the modern era challenges.

What sets the current companies and marketing strategies apart is the slick utilization of technology based on a clear vision, tactical design, strategy that follows possible, human-focused imposition.

Physicians must also try to reckon the actionable steps required to implement the mentioned high-level requirement.

Medical practices are resisting or can’t accommodate this model

Today’s healthcare system is in turmoil too. Like the generic business scheme described, healthcare is also going through the transition. But the shift in healthcare is not necessarily following a similar path as is observed for other sectors. Latter is partly due to misperception, and rhetorical tendencies, as healthcare is not a business. It is also the prevailing distrust of the medical community around information technology.

Another challenge that is threatening the medical community is the physician passivity in the face of the overwhelming takeover of the health industry by the neighboring industry sectors.

The physician’s reluctance to claim their domain in the tech industry on one hand and data-driven multi-industry occupation of the healthcare sphere on the other has resulted in a vacuum drawing in wrong solutions by wrong hands.

Healthcare industrial evolution is becoming personalized. But, unfortunately, the data points defining that personalization are not based on agile doctor-patient interaction. Instead, the tech industry is taking over healthcare with a kind of agile implementation that is more technical and custom to other business sectors.

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Application of four points to medical practice

Business model

Traditionally Medical practices have been either managed casually or outsourced. Within the process and trivial exceptions, physicians have historically relied too long on rules dictated by the insurance industry.

The primary marketing campaign has, at large, been through professional referrals and word of mouth. The more contemporary generation have attempted to outsource their public relation campaigns too. With the advances in data science, Machine learning, and data mining technology, the healthcare business is inevitably reshaping to accommodate new business schemes.

Corporations are eagerly pivoting their strategic approach to curb market dynamics. However, with that regard, the medical community is lagging behind the other industries. Physician practices, thus need to reexamine values; and reevaluate commitments to their clients. Concomitantly, they need to restructure expertise. Because corporations, including Insurance companies, are desperately seeking patients and physician’s data.

Corporations also utilize algorithms developed by non-medical entities to create cookie-cutter medicine that complements their business monopolies.

We have the technologies, strategies, and resources at our arms reach to create a suitable agile environment. Thus, we can promote transparency, active participation, design, and interoperability of all stakeholders in healthcare. It is the healthcare version of the business fluidity practice model that works towards individual empowerment. It embraces a sense of responsibility and independent thinking. Utilizing the low-cost delivery model and reasonably practical plan of personalized medicine tailored to personal needs and indications is essential.


Increasing system demand to Structure amid attracting and retaining the best talents while containing costs is not alien to medical practice. Still, within the scope of the modern system, the ultimate transparency is another challenge to those who are well versed in healthcare policies.

The present-day system, if able to use the right technology and collaborative environment, can and must be able to support and maintain a smart environment. It ought to motivate all stakeholders at the right time, enabling them to contribute seamlessly from anywhere. Thus, the organizational Structure must complement modern decentralized software solutions owned and validated by the physicians.


Current policy transitions realize the market trends and the shifting pattern away from traditional market research. It is, therefore, being replaced by real-time patient research, feedback, and informed decision-making capabilities.

The millennial attitude on health and healthcare, as well as their overwhelming reliance on social media, Dr. Google and technology at large, is the reality that has added extra value to what patients search and share over the internet.

The latest serves as the major contributing factor for the kind of rush by the tech industry to harness the information footprint left behind by the patients.

That is why patients, physicians, as well as the medical community, must reclaim their sacred possessions. They ultimately need to focus on their circumstances to establish a powerful insight into the prevailing market. It is something that requires the backing of precise data analytics that is “valid” in accordance with the domain experts and supports transparent processes to test fresh concepts within the dominant market.

Marketing and Public Relation

Public relations and marketing are critical aspects of legitimate medical practice. It involves creating, conveying, and providing health information and interventions using customer-centered and science-based strategies to protect and promote the health of diverse populations.

Today, as the practice of branding and marketing is becoming personalized, so is the practice of medicine.

High-level values and gigantic objectives are not sufficient to sustain quality medical care any longer. Medicine of today is more personal than ever. The driver of the healthcare service benefits is perceived as the product of subjective patient perception, objective physician evaluation, and agile execution of their interaction through strategic partnership. The process fundamentally should respect a continuous inflow of feedback, instead of attempting to solve every issue in a few amendments. Branding and marketing in healthcare should be polished utilizing technology based on a clear vision accompanied by human-focused imposition.


Technology as the driver of the medical practice model

We must start realizing that technology is the primary driver of the new business models, including those in the healthcare arena. Technological advances facilitate a robust, dynamic, and transparent business structure. The innovative technologies enhance the sharing of information, live intuitions of understandings, targeting, and the productive production of high-quality personalized content.

In the modern sense, the conveyed memorandum and the end result of technological applications characterize brands as better products, scope, and service or productive employees.

Embracing technology is the most productive way to efficiently control trademark prestige. Creativity is fundamental, especially when it comes to the healthcare system.

The power of creativity is a precise fact, as it positively influences the value of medical service. But with the evolution of the personalized business scheme, its relevance has been diluted parallel with the rise of other tasks. Therefore, creativity is being applied to solve business problems; versus crumbling to transparent communication.

By embracing individual liberty and promoting efficient, transparent, collaborative, agile practice environments instead of communication specialists, modern implements can cultivate a wealth of values for every patient.

Healthcare, Personalized Care And Us: How Are We Doing?

Adam Tabriz, MD Dr. Adam Tabriz is an Executive level physician, writer, personalized healthcare system advocate, and entrepreneur with 15+ years of success performing surgery, treating patients, and creating innovative solutions for independent healthcare providers. He provides critically needed remote care access to underserved populations in the Healthcare Beyond Borders initiative. His mission is to create a highly effective business model that alleviates the economic and legislative burden of independent practitioners, empowers patients, and creates ease of access to medical services for everyone. He believes in Achieving performance excellence by leveraging medical expertise and modern-day technology.

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