Will Unexpected Inflation in the West Pave the Way for a Metals CFD Revival?

3 min read


So far, 2024 is shaping up to be a year that’s anything but predictable as confounding inflation data continues to challenge US markets. Could a stubborn Consumer Price Index (CPI) push more investors towards a metals revival?  With February 2024 CPI data reported by the Bureau of Labor Statistics showing a 3.2% year-on-year increase that outpaces both forecasts and the 3.1% recorded in January, it’s clear that expectations of a dovish Federal Reserve monetary policy in the first half of this year have all but evaporated.  Worryingly, month-on-month inflation rose 0.4%, representing an acceleration on January’s 0.3% pace. But what…...

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Dmytro Spilka Dmytro is a tech and finance writer based in London. His work has been published in Nasdaq, Kiplinger, Financial Express, The Diplomat, IBM, Investment Week and FXStreet.