What Would Government’s Place in a Free World Look Like Anyway?

6 min read

Political science arguments aside, discussions surrounding the role of government are critical more than ever. Politicians, economists, and policy makers have long argued the role of government and the rights rulers have over their subjects. Whether a government is minimally or maximally authoritative is a journey in politics. In this short essay, we’ll think about minimally authoritative government and the conversation around such an entity. What is a government anyway? Let’s quickly revisit the beliefs of the fathers of modern governance in the Western world today.  Thomas Hobbes, author of the foundational work Leviathan, supports absolute power concentrated in the…...

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Mohammed Siddiqui Studied Business and International Relations at Carnegie Mellon. Interested in geopolitics, political economy, technological innovation, markets, international development, and consumer trends. I enjoy investing, working out, and drinking Raspberry Hot Chocolate.