Will The Future Of AI Be Good Or Evil?

45 sec read

As with any emerging technology, disruptive ideas are vilified; whether out of misunderstanding or even fear, AI is on the receiving end of these particular criticisms. But while many of us are concerned over AI automation taking over our jobs, many more believe that technology will never be able to replace the human mind. It’s this relationship that makes the future of AI so beautiful.

It is predicted that by the mid-2030s, 38% of all US jobs will be at risk for automation, but there’s more to this picture than just lost jobs and replaced workers. To even get close to this future, human workers will have to step up to develop the tools that will make it possible. What results is the creation of over 2 million jobs by 2021, calling for talented programmers working to help AI systems read human emotions to ethics controllers ensuring AI is working in accordance with human values.

We still have a ways to go to reach an automated future and getting there won’t be easy, but as AI technology grows, human ingenuity grows alongside it. This infographic details the future of AI, where it’s used for good, why it’s used for evil, and how we can use it to build a better world.

dark side

Brian Wallace Brian Wallace is the Founder and President of NowSourcing, a leading infographic design agency in Louisville, KY and Cincinnati, OH which works with companies ranging from startups to Fortune 500s. Brian has been named a Google Small Business Advisor for 2016-present.

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