Apurv Jain
Hi everyone! I am trained as a researcher and am a portfolio manager (PM) by profession. I enjoy combining domain expertise, new alternative data sources, and leveraging machine learning(ML)/artificial intelligence (AI) techniques to better map and predict the world macroeconomy. Most recently I was a visiting researcher at Harvard Business School (HBS) where I published a book chapter on macro prediction. Before HBS, I co-founded and acted as the PM and research lead of a 10-person team at MSFT managing $100 mm, profitably deploying behavioral overlay and asset allocation strategies for 4 years. We had fun collaborating with central banks and asset managers. My prior experience includes roles as portfolio manager for a $3B bond portfolio, a senior researcher at Bridgewater Associates, and exotic options research and trading at Deutsche Bank.
Open to data vendors who want advice as well as potential co-authors for my upcoming book on macroeconomics using alternative data (Elsevier). Or we can just chat about mixed martial arts (MMA)!

1 Stories by Apurv Jain
You are the CEO of a well-known asset management company and are sitting in a meeting with a new data vendor, your new portfolio...