Andy Singleton

  Andy is a software architect, CEO/CTO, and student of innovation. He is currently working on HumanDB, a new architecture for delivering automated medical advice, and Unbundled Fund, a better investment structure for digital private markets. He is the founder of Assembla, a SaaS collaboration company, PowerSteering Software, an enterprise SaaS company, Creation Mechanics, an evolutionary algorithms company, and employee #2 at SNL Financial. He has an undergraduate degree from Harvard.


5 Stories by Andy Singleton

Healthcare Too Cheap to Meter

“When the apocalypse comes, everyone will be on their own to buy healthcare.” Dave “ePatient” DeBronkart dropped this casually into a phone call. I had...
0 6 min read 332

Bringing DeFi Speed to Private Funds

DeFi is bringing new excitement to the old idea of cooperative ownership. Customers get tokens, earn fees, and vote on decisions. In theory, this...
1 4 min read 302

A Global Channel for Digital Securities

Tokenized securities were a disaster in 2018. Investors didn’t want them, regulators didn’t like them, and issuers used them to offer scammy small-caps. All...
0 5 min read 164

Coronavirus and the forecast of change

Thousands of people are dying, and millions of people have lost jobs. However, there are reasons to believe that the COVID19 epidemic will fade...
0 7 min read 222

Climbing the Liquidity Ladder

Big things are happening with private market liquidity. Just as the tokenization fad crashed and burned, a much bigger wave of PE secondary transactions...
0 5 min read 471