Patricia Farrell

  Patricia Farrell is a licensed clinical psychologist in New Jersey and Florida in the United States, a published author, former psychiatric researcher, educator and consultant to WebMD. She specializes in stress and medical illness and has been in the field for over 30 years. Prior to becoming a psychologist, Dr. Farrell held a number of editorial positions in trade magazine publishing and newspaper syndication. Her interests include photography, computers and writing both fiction and non-fiction.


10 Stories by Patricia Farrell

Brain-Computer Interfaces Offer Hope for the Medically-Compromised Patient

The brain may need new BCI interfaces in order to help restore lost abilities to patients formerly found to have little hope from medicine...
0 2 min read 290

Asking AI the Wrong Questions and Getting a Frightening Result Is Your Fault?

AI has incredible promise for the future, but that future is compromised by a lack of critical thinking on the part of programmers and...
0 3 min read 170

Should I Trust an Algorithm for a Title for My Articles?

Technology has become our go-to resource for everything from medical testing to writing, and it will become a stronger force in the future. Algorithms are...
0 3 min read 103

The Silver Lining for Clinical Trials During the Pandemic

Located in major medical centers, clinical trials all but halted during the pandemic, but a new approach has given birth to the trials. He who...
0 4 min read

Ethical Robots Are a Naive Illusion for Programmers?

Ethics programmed into robots may not solve the problems we face at work, in healthcare, or in wartime. The relations between rhetoric and ethics are...
0 5 min read 240

AI Test Proctoring Has Social Bias and Students’ Grading Suffers

Technology cannot solve every problem we throw at it, and test proctoring is just one of the ones in the crosshairs. “Education is the...
0 3 min read 337

Robots and the Revolutionary Loneliness Solution

The lack of human interaction may find the solution in a robotics laboratory. “Friendship needs no words — it is solitude delivered from the anguish of...
0 2 min read 141

Personhood for Robots Will Destroy the Economy and Jobs or Will It?

Robots won’t be tax-paying, and they will eliminate jobs and create a great need for re-training out-of-work humans. Who will train the humans? Automation...
0 4 min read 231

Algorithms Have Rights Like People and Corporations?

The legal profession has to address this thorny issue, so what changes might be coming now, and how do they protect us? We don’t...
0 4 min read 299

Never Say Die: Holograms bring the dead back to life forever

The 1939 film “The Wizard of Oz,” had an element of prediction in it that no one saw at the time and few of...
0 4 min read