Faisal Khan

  Faisal is based in Canada with a background in Finance/Economics & Computers. He has been actively trading FOREX for the past 11 years. Faisal is also an active Stocks trader with a passion for everything Crypto. His enthusiasm & interest in learning new technologies has turned him into an avid Crypto/Blockchain & Fintech enthusiast. Currently working for a Mobile platform called Tradelike as the Senior Technical Analyst. His interest for writing has stayed with him all his life ever since started the first Internet magazine of Pakistan in 1998. He blogs regularly on Financial markets, trading strategies & Cryptocurrencies. Loves to travel.


266 Stories by Faisal Khan

China – A Country of Superlatives

China’s economic resurgence, military might & leadership in technology – all within a short span of 30-40 years has been no less than an...
0 3 min read

What is “Bitcoin halving” & its potential of powering an extended bull run into 2020-21?

Bitcoin halving sounds like a complex phenomenon at first reading, but it simply a process of reducing the mining rewards to half, done to...
0 2 min read

The Age of Transcendence

Hollywood movies have always been good at providing a glimpse into the future – be it space travel, advanced scientific discoveries or futuristic technologies...
0 2 min read

Bitcoin is acting as the New hedge against the Global Liquidity Risk

What a relentless recovery has the Crypto kingpin Bitcoin staged in the past 10 weeks or so as it finally broke the all-important $10K...
0 4 min read 793

Tech Diaries: What is all the fuss about Deepfakes?

The main story of this edition of the Tech Diaries is the Deepfakes issue that has gotten the U.S Congress freaking out. It represents...
0 3 min read

Brexit Impact on Pound & UK Economy so far…

The never-ending saga of Brexit now has a new deadline – Oct. 31, 2019 by which the Brits have to decide whether they want...
0 2 min read 834

Crypto Diaries: Facebook reveals the White paper for its stable coin Libra

The announcement by the social media giant Facebook to launch its own native digital token dubbed as ‘Libra‘ as per the white paper released,...
1 3 min read

Will the Big Banks be able to hold up against the Fintech challenge?

The legacy financial services are trying desperately to gain a competitive edge over the innovative Fintechs. Despite having all the traditional advantages – network...
0 2 min read 928

6 Charts showing the Stable Coins rise & China’s dominance of Global demand

Some of the most recent reports on Cryptocurrency trading volume have concluded that most of the demand is coming from the U.S. & select...
0 2 min read 919

What is the ‘oracle problem’ & how does Chainlink solve it?

Cryptoverse is usually buzzing with new words which are usually difficult to decipher for a non-technical person. Even somebody like me, who is a...
0 2 min read

More than 150 Apps Powering the Gig Economy

The Future of Work is undergoing a fundamental change. Enabled & empowered by technology & embraced by Generation Z – a demographic who were...
4 2 min read

Tech Diaries: GAFA’s Crypto inclinations & new Inventions

Big techs like Facebook & Google have complied with the sweeping technology ban on Huawei by the American government on the grounds of stealing...
0 4 min read 657