6 Stories by Hein de Haan
You’re sitting at your couch watching Netflix, when suddenly, the doorbell rings. You open the door and find there’s nobody there; however, there is...
There is only one solution A godlike being — let’s call her Omega — presents you with two boxes. Box A is open and...
Worrying about AI evil superintelligence today is like worrying about overpopulation on the planet Mars. We haven’t even landed on the planet yet! –...
What is a Matrioshka Brain? Its name derived from the Russian Matryoshka dolls, a Matrioshka Brain is basically a giant computer that uses the...
February 23, 2019 John Loeffler posted an interesting article on interestingengineering.com. The post is called “Should We Fear Artificial Superintelligence?”, and in it, Loeffler...
Most readers of Data Driven Investor will, I suspect, have heard of Artificial Superintelligence: a future Artificial Intelligence that is (much) more intelligent than...