Ralph-Philípp Maass

  https://medium.com/@rpmaass Ralph-Philípp Maass is an experienced entrepreneur and stock trader who has contributed as a guest author to various magazines in the USA and the UK. His articles cover topics such as financial analysis, IPOs, and issues related to politics and society. He primarily trades on the London Stock Exchange (LSEG) and the MICEX-RTS in Moscow. In his writings, he addresses a wide range of subjects, with readers appreciating his accessible and informative style, seasoned with a touch of British humor.


3 Stories by Ralph-Philípp Maass

Jaguar Land Rover’s IPO Ambitions: Financial Growth or Brand Erosion?

Strategic direction and financing measures to strengthen market position – but questionable brand decisions cast a shadow Jaguar Land Rover (JLR), the British luxury...
1 2 min read 133

Volvo and Northvolt: Let’s Get Charged Up!

Volvo’s takeover of Northvolt, the battery manufacturer based in Stockholm, is a strategic marriage of necessity, not a love affair. With Pippi Longstocking long...
0 2 min read 234

BrewDog’s Bold Leap

From Craft Beer Renegade to Global Market Player BrewDog, the Scottish craft beer giant founded in 2007 by James Watt and Martin Dickie, is...
0 2 min read