Discovery Inc. Like most major media companies, Discovery Inc bring in most of the revenue from advertising. In 2020 the company...
Awareness is the first step to attract customers and build loyalty Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash True tests of a...
The public’s perception of entrepreneurship is skewed. News stories on entrepreneurship often give inordinate focus to ‘buzzy’ businesses whose size and...
Create brands that hold onto your loyal customers for a lifetime Taking the easy way out might save time and effort...
Let’s start with three key principles: Principle 1: Inventors create a technology. Innovators bring the technology in everyone’s hands. Sometimes inventors...
CEOs recognize that “talent risk” is the number one threat, according to the KPMG 2020 report. Losing key employees and attracting...
There’s more to building a digital company than using the word ‘digital’. How about this for the most boring opening sentence...
Nicolai Baldin, founder and CEO of, talks about the future of sharing data and the power of synthetic data. Synthetic...
Do what’s best for the customer, even if it’s not your customer. There’s a cliche saying that, when you hear it,...
M-commerce will be a major destabilizing element of the B2B market. Many companies have been working on the development of better...
Let’s start with a caveat emptor. I hesitated writing about this subject because so many have made their life’s work researching...
The digital “disruption” doesn’t mean you need to radically transform your business. Becoming another Google, Amazon or Facebook is not your...
Not satisfied with your CRM data-quality? Check out these data improving practices to enhance your CRM data management and quality. For...
Fight Club knew the rules. Shame data doesn’t. The easy way out is to point the finger at something you don’t...
As brick & mortar retailers file bankruptcy, the plight of small manufacturers becomes much more perilous. They won’t be able to...
If you’re interested in increasing sales, utilizing the power of data could be the right move. Here are 5 ways to...
Joann Barefoot of Alliance for Innovative Regulation and Jason Henrichs of Alloy Labs Alliance join Dara Tarkowski to discuss innovation and...
Turbulent times call for leadership. That especially applies in a digital world with constant change and transformation. Solo entrepreneurs and big...
I used to be a bank executive. Ever since then I have always maintained solid relationships with my banks, the ones...
A circular data economy creates a corporate advantage for the entire ecosystem. What to consider when acquiring or divesting, no matter...
In this article, my goal is to provide readers a framework to analyze real estate investment trusts in today’s day and...
The eCommerce development company, nowadays, integrating advancement to take customer experience to the next level. Talking about high-end technology, there is...
What if going digital was the antidote to avoid the Covid-19 bankruptcies? With one million deaths, thirty-eight million infected, hundreds of millions lost...
TikTok usage has skyrocketed during the pandemic, with roughly 800 million users around the world using the platform to share content....
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