
Digital Marketing and Privacy: What is Changing and How to Adapt?

The interaction between brands and consumers has become much easier, courtesy of the internet. It would take loads of effort to...
3 min read 335

How Can Writing Attract New Customers To Your Business?

Writing means articles, guides, newsletters, case studies, and generally all the valuable text content that a company produces. Writing attracts new...
4 min read 543

Drone Delivery: Benefits, Obstacles, and the Future of the New Ecommer...

For business owners, keeping up with industry trends is a necessity in such a highly-competitive landscape, which ecommerce became within the...
10 min read 849

Welcome to the Metaverse: where are we?

Guide to those who are still looking for their place in the Metaverse Brief summary In the past 15 years, I cannot...
9 min read 529

Open Startups and Collective Business Models in Open Source

An analysis of the role sound crypto economies may play in open-source development In this piece, I propose a framework to...
Julian Molina
7 min read 606
Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

Who should lead the digital agenda?

Time is ticking away. The digital pace is accelerating and many organizations are behind schedule with their digital agenda. Their plan...
2 min read 414

So, What Business Are You Really In?

What is McDonald’s business? Some might say, the fast food business, or more broadly, the restaurant business. But what many people...
4 min read 440

Why Your Cost of Goods Sold is So Very Important

Many companies don’t really understand what a cost of goods sold is and don’t calculate it correctly. I’m going to tell...
4 min read 903

Skills-Based Learning Is On The Rise And Here’s Why

While traditional formal education in the US has continued to thrive, changes are occurring to better meet system demands. While in...
3 min read 612

How Blockchain is Being Embraced in COVID-Era NYC

The past two years have given way to significant changes in information technology and the way New Yorkers trade information, but...
3 min read 310

One Question, Four Aspects

How to check if the business plan is integrated During your due diligence work in a M&A transaction, you will often...
2 min read 222
Credit Card Processing

Top 8 Tips for Preventing Data Breaches

Personal data is one of the world’s most significant resources, and its collection depicts no signs of slowing down. Providing personal...
5 min read 381