… even if you are making a profit. Working Capital is the lifeblood for most businesses. It can make the difference...
Are you running a Web2Print e-commerce storefront and wish to boost your business through the Internet of Things? But how can...
A startup worth evaluation reminds me of a coin toss. With no operational value, real income, or сlear-eyed market feedback, tangible...
The interaction between brands and consumers has become much easier, courtesy of the internet. It would take loads of effort to...
Writing means articles, guides, newsletters, case studies, and generally all the valuable text content that a company produces. Writing attracts new...
For business owners, keeping up with industry trends is a necessity in such a highly-competitive landscape, which ecommerce became within the...
Guide to those who are still looking for their place in the Metaverse Brief summary In the past 15 years, I cannot...
An analysis of the role sound crypto economies may play in open-source development In this piece, I propose a framework to...
Time is ticking away. The digital pace is accelerating and many organizations are behind schedule with their digital agenda. Their plan...
What is McDonald’s business? Some might say, the fast food business, or more broadly, the restaurant business. But what many people...
Many companies don’t really understand what a cost of goods sold is and don’t calculate it correctly. I’m going to tell...
While traditional formal education in the US has continued to thrive, changes are occurring to better meet system demands. While in...
The past two years have given way to significant changes in information technology and the way New Yorkers trade information, but...
How to check if the business plan is integrated During your due diligence work in a M&A transaction, you will often...
Personal data is one of the world’s most significant resources, and its collection depicts no signs of slowing down. Providing personal...
Both regular workers and management theorists have been wondering what work, shopping and consumption will be like once the lockdowns are...
“Shoemaker’s son always goes barefoot“ Anyone reading the news about Life Science companies would believe that everything is OK for them,...
The social media and augmented reality leader, Snap Inc, has enjoyed an exceptional 2021 as the company ramps up its AR...
The new IT organizations’ mantra is to be agile, disruptive, digital. Responding to that, consulting firms and system integrators have all...
The financial services landscape has undergone a huge transformation in recent years; and, ‘payments’ is one such area that has seen...
They generate huge amounts of free cash flow and use the most of this to reduce their share counts — to...
At Tau Ventures, these are three principles we continue holding as generally true: i) In healthcare typical sales cycle to get...
Businesses that hesitate will be lost as their competitors take off John Vuong was calming down after a whirlwind. Just days before,...
You need to be aware of the rationale of each investor type before starting the process. And there’s even an invisible...
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