
Decentralization Is The Future of Social Media

People are tired of unelected social media corporation leaders restricting their freedoms The world is constantly changing, two decades ago you...
6 min read 307
Working from Home

How Working From Home Increased My Productivity

Stories of success, anguish and the internal state of affairs from a “self-proclaimed” productive human Working from home really brought out...
4 min read 508

The politically incorrect commencement speech

Dear 2020 graduates: You already have gotten one slap in the face with all ceremonies and the following parties being canceled....
8 min read 351
Patient agency

The sway of individuality for the benefit of mainstream and sake of re...

A concerned glimpse into physician and patient agency In a given society, the capacity of individuals to act independently is influenced...
17 min read 681

Who is gaslighting whom?

In the past, we would talk about confusing, deluding, brainwashing, or messing with someone’s mind. Polish speakers would talk about making...
7 min read 691

A NEW WORLD COMES (a COVID-19 Coronavirus Pandemic story): What might...

We face a real but controllable crisis — a disease with very high infectiousness but moderate to low death rate (so long as...
4 min read
Telescope view of moon

Why are planets so darned important to culture?

Why is Pluto no longer a planet? The question perplexes physicist, former ABC News science editor, author and teacher Dr. Michael...
4 min read 477

Fixing Photography

Deep Domain Expertise Weighs In to Reinvent a Broken Business Introduction Have photographs lost their economic value? One might make that case...
58 min read

Hurtle diversity barriers with eyes wide open

Women in tech is one of Tiffany Horan’s passions, starting as host of Women in Tech Chat on Twitter. She is...
2 min read 632

Economy is all about including people

Modeling, data and above all, people — Dr. Tayo Oyedeji mixes in all of these ingredients in his recipe for an...
4 min read 632

Another Engineered Global Economic Crisis Looming? Not if Our Data Eco...

The development of our DApp, called DECENTR, is currently progressing in lockstep with our R&D as part of our upcoming H2020...
6 min read 867

Digital Identity for Noobs

How SMART people are creating identity value in an augmented reality. I recently turned 40 years old.  As a biologically born...
3 min read 707