
Blockchain: Answering a Charge of “Crappy Technology”

A recent article on Medium denounced blockchain for its current flaws, not least of all its claims to trustlessness, summarily dismissing...
7 min read 405

Rogue genome editing twists DNA ethics

Genome editing is on the cutting edge of science. It’s also morally questionable and possibly illegal in many jurisdictions. Despite that,...
5 min read 443

What happens when platforms determine bias?

Content Creation and The Divide. Lately, the prevalent formula for success has been; you produce content which people find most agreeable and...
2 min read 123

Falling isn’t failing.

You only fail when you give up. Every hero must fall, we live for the moments that the underdog emerges; rising to...
2 min read 302

‘We learn more from failure than from success’

Successful entrepreneurs build their businesses from failures large and small. As Yvette Aloe knows, failures set back everyone from infants to...
2 min read

Will The Future Of AI Be Good Or Evil?

As with any emerging technology, disruptive ideas are vilified; whether out of misunderstanding or even fear, AI is on the receiving...
45 sec read 176

China’s Daredevil: The suggestive art of algorithms.

Do you have a highly suggestive personality? Inception, what a marvellous cinematic experience, many of us who watched it were left...
2 min read 433

A Code of Ethics Does Little to Correct the Issues with Today’s Soft...

Malicious software stories fill many publications. Bleeping Computer is practically an active record of malware and security holes. Bulletins such as The...
3 min read 307

Admit when you’re wrong.

Great leadership requires a solid foundation of self-esteem. It’s not the ones that are always wrong that we need to be...
4 min read

An Uphill Battle: Investment Culture Finds Its Match in Germany

By Claudio Brocado and Anthony Claudio Brocado This is the second installment in my new approach of collaboration with friends and...
5 min read 101

If you wish to discipline an employee, do it in private.

Leadership through “Trust”, not “Fear”. Far too often I’ve seen great businessmen fail as being great leaders, the problem is their ego...
3 min read 223

Decentralized Cryptocurrency? …in your dreams

The Fight for Bitcoin Cash Supremacy. Preface: Before we get started. This is not FUD, it’s inspired by my observations of...
4 min read