American culture defines narcissism. It is a mix of libertarianism and selfishness exhibiting an extreme indifference toward others. Of course, we...
The Emmy nominations were only recently announced, but a winner has already been announced: comic book adaptations. But it’s more than that,...
A historical reversal of direction underway? The nineteenth-century influenced the social-political and economic development of human life on earth in vibrant...
Gamification, scarcity, and The Greater Fool Theory Pokemon cards have been on fire lately. While Gamestop hasn’t quite made it to...
Why consumerism and productivity go hand-in-hand, everything has a price Consumerism is seen as a negative trend in most of today’s...
The Medieval Religiously Centered City My Dad often spoke about his admiration for Lewis Mumford (October 19, 1895 — January 26,...
Rarely do I find myself in a state of seemingly unattached free-form physical depression of the sort that makes one’s energy...
Usually, death hits us at the wrong time. The passing of Justice Ruth B. Ginsburg opened the political arm wrenching in...
“Experience as a whole is not something that anyone can be spared”. — Hans-Georg Gadamer Data Driven is a Car Crash?...
Stories of success, anguish and the internal state of affairs from a “self-proclaimed” productive human Working from home really brought out...
Our mindset is mired in the stone age. We still plunder the earth. Neo-liberalism is the current expression of that mentality....
We all have a mental boardroom, and usually, there’s a hidden bigot at the table. That’s the premise put forth by...
2020 will be a year to remember. Many people’s lives have changed trajectories in the last several months. Among my friends...
“There is nothing new under the sun” (Ecclesiastes 1:9) Powerful and infinite are human dreams. This metaphysical world of ideas is...
Dear 2020 graduates: You already have gotten one slap in the face with all ceremonies and the following parties being canceled....
With life changing significantly almost overnight in early March 2020 due to COVID-19, there is a growing thought that we are...
Market research and human psychology predict if you should invest in this season’s hottest piece of PPE I know what you’re thinking....
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