Data Analysis

Linear Discriminant Analysis in the Financial Market

When it comes to finance, every investor wants to make sure they are putting their money in the right places. The...
2 min read
correlation matrix

Demystifying the Correlation Matrix

Correlation and the correlation matrix are two terms that you will often come across in statistics, probability theory or Machine Learning. ...
3 min read

Algorithms Are Not Inherently Biased, It’s A Result Of Expectations ...

There have been plenty of criticisms about how tech companies use algorithms in their software that tends to favor their political...
11 min read 379

Top 10 Online Courses in Machine Learning and Data Science

The internet is now full of courses on Data Science and Machine Learning and it’s not surprising looking at the high...
5 min read 743

Living Life on the Edge

Old Ideas Redesigned for Edge and Hybrid Computing It’s a data grab out there! It feels like everyone in every industry is...
3 min read 486

The Seductive Business Logic of Algorithms

Certain machine behaviors never cease to amaze me. I’m astounded by their ability to learn from their accomplishments and from their...
6 min read 991

Data Driven Trends & Statistics — Feb. 2019

While the easiest way to look for visual content is to just “google” them, it would be much more convenient if...
42 sec read 684

Descriptive vs Inferential Statistics. What’s the difference?

Descriptive and Inferential Statistics are the two major branches of statistical analysis. By definition, descriptive statistics are used to summarize a...
3 min read