
The Populist Perestroika: What Lies Behind and What Lies Ahead

What Lies Behind Trump’s Comfortable Victory In November 2024 American voters again voted for Trump. My conclusion was that either most...
7 min read

In Search of a Major Technological Breakthrough. Part V. The Battle of...

Many people, particularly in the developed world, view the political events of the last five to ten years as chaos putting...
9 min read 138

The State Of Startup Fundraising In 5 Graphs: What Does It Mean For En...

Fundraising by startups remains well below its 2020 and 2021 heydays. However, there are signs of improvement. Compared to the same...
57 sec read 123

In Search of a Major Technological Breakthrough. Part IV. What Is the ...

Old Black (and Blue) Energy Kings Still Rule Do you know what is the ultimate sign that rates of technological progress...
6 min read 106

In Search of a Major Technological Breakthrough. Part I. Degrowth: The...

Since 1971 we have been living in an age of price mega revolution with the average annual rates of inflation reaching...
4 min read 235

Three-Generation Mortgages? The Japanese Financial Crisis

Before ‘China-Bashing,’ there was ‘Japan-Bashing.’ In the early 1980s, Japan’s economic rise spurred fear and criticism from elected officials and everyday...
5 min read 740

Why Managers Want to Become Leaders and Why They Largely Fail: One of ...

Everyone wants to be a leader these days, or, at least, a self-leader. “Leader” sounds majestic and ambitious. A “leader” is...
9 min read 136

The Myth of “Good” Inflation and “Bad” Deflation

The myth that inflation is a “good” thing has become quite deeply entrenched over the past decades. Its proponents insist that...
9 min read 504

Money Is Power, Power to the People! A Call for a Decentralized Moneta...

Money Creation and Economic Growth Jerome Powell, the current head of the U.S. central bank, revealed that he liked this job. “Yes, …...
15 min read 299
cientists working in a lab, with a subtle overlay of financial symbols or graphs, dreaming of lean manufacturing process , digital art

Mastering Demand Planning for Big Pharma’s Future

Revolutionizing Supply Chain Efficiency: Unleashing the Power of Demand Planning, Technology, and Clinical Trials in the Pharmaceutical Industry The high-stakes world...
3 min read 268

In the Long Run Long-Term Government Bonds Are Safe, But We Are a Long...

Earlier in the year the Swiss National Bank, Switzerland’s central bank, released its latest report. While reading the news covering the...
8 min read 239

Global Food Crisis: They Got Money For Wars, But Can’t Feed the Poo...

Who is most impacted, and what to expect? The global food crisis is a critical issue that we cannot afford to ignore....
5 min read 323