What Lies Behind Trump’s Comfortable Victory In November 2024 American voters again voted for Trump. My conclusion was that either most...
Many people, particularly in the developed world, view the political events of the last five to ten years as chaos putting...
Fundraising by startups remains well below its 2020 and 2021 heydays. However, there are signs of improvement. Compared to the same...
Old Black (and Blue) Energy Kings Still Rule Do you know what is the ultimate sign that rates of technological progress...
Since 1971 we have been living in an age of price mega revolution with the average annual rates of inflation reaching...
Before ‘China-Bashing,’ there was ‘Japan-Bashing.’ In the early 1980s, Japan’s economic rise spurred fear and criticism from elected officials and everyday...
Everyone wants to be a leader these days, or, at least, a self-leader. “Leader” sounds majestic and ambitious. A “leader” is...
The myth that inflation is a “good” thing has become quite deeply entrenched over the past decades. Its proponents insist that...
Money Creation and Economic Growth Jerome Powell, the current head of the U.S. central bank, revealed that he liked this job. “Yes, …...
Revolutionizing Supply Chain Efficiency: Unleashing the Power of Demand Planning, Technology, and Clinical Trials in the Pharmaceutical Industry The high-stakes world...
Earlier in the year the Swiss National Bank, Switzerland’s central bank, released its latest report. While reading the news covering the...
Who is most impacted, and what to expect? The global food crisis is a critical issue that we cannot afford to ignore....
Key principles and suggestions to foster collaboration and unleash the potential of repurposing drugs, for more equal and accessible healthcare. We...
An analysis of the role sound crypto economies may play in open-source development In this piece, I propose a framework to...
The earlier a startup is, the more buffered it’s from the ups and downs of public markets. But buffered doesn’t mean...
Occupational licensing is a way the government regulates a profession for compensation. Often only market access as a self-employed is limited...
Markets speculate, more so, during times of low visibility and market volatility. The $1.9tr American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) has raised...
Money is a fiscal unit that functions as a generally accepted medium of trade for transactional purposes. But that unit does...
CEOs recognize that “talent risk” is the number one threat, according to the KPMG 2020 report. Losing key employees and attracting...
Investors are beginning to realize that they need to have their money under control. One of Warren Buffett many hidden quotes...
“Practical men who believe themselves to be quite exempt from any intellectual influence, are usually the slaves of some defunct economist....
The 353 pages of the U.S. Citizenship Act draft offer nothing new. The proposed bill merely tweaks our faulty immigration policy...
This ethical framework is intended to be a guide to help facilitate the ethical implementation of AI in the workplace. “I...
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