
Demographic Economics: Studying the Changing Patterns of Consumption a...

Fundamentally, a large part of the total income of an economy comprises the patterns of consumption and savings which is highly...
3 min read 595

Cash is king, more potent than we think

On March 12, 2020, on the eve of President Trump declaring COVID-19 a national emergency, the New York Times reported that...
8 min read

Crisis? 3 Ways VCs Adapt

There is a global crisis going on as I write this article. It’s not the first, it won’t be the last....
2 min read 236

Argentina – a warning to the United States and China

One can wonder why it is that North America is prosperous, but Latin America has fallen far behind. After all, about...
10 min read

Could Modern Monetary Theory Save America?

I Become President For A Day To Apply Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) To The US Economy Politicians and academics are making...
7 min read 517

Science and Money in the Climate Change Debate

… if we had one There is no public debate about climate change. On Medium, where I post my texts, there...
11 min read 564
DDI Machines labor jabs blog

Will Artificial Intelligence save the labor market?

To show that the question in the title can be answered affirmatively, I am going to explore the way smart technologies...
3 min read 144

Using Mobile to Help Eradicate Child Labor on Ivorian Cocoa Farms

West African farmers use child labor to cost-effectively scale production of the cocoa used by chocolate companies to make chocolates. Out...
5 min read 681

Is Amazon Going to Fail?

Amazon has changed the world for retail. But has it ever occurred to you that one day it might fail? In...
2 min read 715

Ukraine: Politics, Business, and Corporate Feudalism

The world’s political landscape is constantly changing. Throughout centuries the rules of engagement have shifted from monarchy to social totalitarianism, consequently...
13 min read 462

Nordic social program to welfare state capitalism

Two resorts distant from free-market capitalism The society or the world at large is the quintessence of every human being. As...
10 min read 484

Pacific Gas & Electronic: A silent Partner in the Unsustainable G...

The state of California, with the 39.56 million in Population and Area of 163,696 square miles, has a net worth over...
9 min read 161