
AI Test Proctoring Has Social Bias and Students’ Grading Suffer...

Technology cannot solve every problem we throw at it, and test proctoring is just one of the ones in the crosshairs....
3 min read 337
Laptop monitor showing man wearing mask

Workers reach out for the best benefits plan

Much has changed about healthcare over the last few decades. That makes it an even greater challenge to properly educate and...
4 min read 243

A 5-Step Method for Saving 6 Figures Plus on a College Education

Newsflash (sarcasm alert): a college education is expensive! Even after accounting for inflation, higher education has become increasingly more expensive over...
6 min read 311

Upskilling the American Labor Force During a Time of Duress

Give a man a fish and he’ll eat for a day. Teach a man to fish and you’ll feed him for...
4 min read 299

Dissecting the Gender Divide in STEM

Women only account for 28% of the workforce in the STEM fields. In 2020, this isn’t how the STEM workforce should...
6 min read 342

Solving Mathematical Optimization Problems with Differential Calculus

Looking at a fundamental use of calculus, and the incredible insight it can provide. Calculus is arguably the most influential mathematical...
3 min read

The politically incorrect commencement speech

Dear 2020 graduates: You already have gotten one slap in the face with all ceremonies and the following parties being canceled....
8 min read 351

The disparity – Correlation vs Causation

We humans love to hear and tell stories. We are destined to naturally look for patterns in our day to day...
4 min read 601

How To Land Your First Job After You Graduate College

As you no doubt already know, landing your first job after you graduate from college is not going to be a...
1 min read

An Anecdote of Averages!

Get to know the 3 M’s – Mean, Median, Mode of statistics a little deeper, they trick you more so often....
3 min read 589

Why You Should Consider Studying AI in Korea

Artificial Intelligence Specialists topped LinkedIn’s ‘2020 Emerging Jobs Report’, with 74% annual growth in demand in the past five years. With...
2 min read

Walking the Creative Line

It might seem like a strange image for some but when I think of creativity I tend to think of Philippe...
3 min read 126