Many previous articles have talked about how to connect with investors, including how VCs can suck but you can minimize...
One doesn’t have to look far to see the perceived division between leaders and followers. Motivational posters, overly-hyped and overpaid event speakers,...
Overthinking is overwrought. Just a few simple habits will make a great difference throughout the day. That’s the premise of Amy...
“Our goals can only be reached through a vehicle of a plan, in which we must fervently believe, and upon which...
Success comes from hammering away at your craft until other people take notice. And then keep doing it at a high...
One of the most innate, yet rewarding idiosyncrasies of any primate is standing competitive. The perception of accomplishing the ample ahead...
I decry the injustice of my wounds, only to look down and see that I am holding a smoking gun in...
Growth is one of the internal rewards of any entrepreneur. When you see the growth, both quantitative and qualitative growth, you...
Building a fan base starts from a niche and expands through connections, engagements and sharing. It takes work and dedication. Few...
One price for everyone! The invention of price tag took place in the 1870s to maintain the fairness of everybody looking...
If you want to learn about blogging, contact someone who does it for a living. One such person is Leslie Samuel....
Money maven Patrice C. Washington wants people to keep their priorities straight. She urges everyone to chase purpose, not money. “Live...
Dividends are a big part of our investing philosophy, as research has shown that dividend growth stocks have significantly outperformed non-dividend...
Two-way conversations come naturally between people. If not in person, friendships form online through talking and listening in particular. Entrepreneurs face...
Social media changes the game when it comes to thinking about return on investment. Meanwhile, quantifying content and its effect can...
As a business owner or entrepreneur, networking is vital in getting you more business leads, closing deals, and leveraging new business...
The aftermath of a major life-changing event — a tragedy — would not have been how Tim Lewis wanted to change...
Wondering what live streaming is all about, Jennifer Quinn researched the topic and got hooked. Also known as JennyQ, in a...
I started planning for Lightning AI more than three years ago. I was working as a marketing manager, and every day...
Congratulations on launching your startup! Hopefully, you have survived the initial phase and your business has taken off successfully. Now, it...
Creating a personal brand is a cornerstone for marketing, particularly on the internet. Having a persona determines where and how much...
With China and other Far East countries growing into strong business hubs, any serious entrepreneur must be thinking of expanding his...
New York City exclaims to be the capital booming industry in artificial intelligence. This city has a staggering 11% percentage of...
If you are aspiring to be a small business owner, you know that financing a small business is no cakewalk. Your...
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