
Ocado leads the Robotization of Retail

The Ocado Group plc (LSE: OCDO) is an interesting company to watch because it leads to the robotization of retail. In...
6 min read
Growth Hacking

Growth Hacking 2.0

For many years I’ve been forecasting the eventual demise of the generous sales and marketing budgets of traditional SaaS companies. Growth...
3 min read 538
shared growth

Shared Growth Shapes Our Shared Futures

As Jemila Abdulai sees it, a successful economy depends on shared growth, which takes in every sector of its people. She...
6 min read 763

Winning Brands Habitually Please Consumers

Consumer habits evolve over the years. That can be a matter of changing tastes, emerging technology and a host of other...
5 min read

Will Blockchain Transform the Stock Market?

Blockchain can make it easier to transfer property rights and other assets by reducing transactional costs and boosting trust between investors....
3 min read

Humanize Yourself and Connect to Your Audience

From an unabashed fan: “Vlogging has changed my life for the better. Video content creation is extremely powerful.” Julia Jornsay-Silverberg knows...
4 min read 618

Algorithms Are Not Inherently Biased, It’s A Result Of Expectations ...

There have been plenty of criticisms about how tech companies use algorithms in their software that tends to favor their political...
11 min read 389
Build awareness

Build Awareness to Rock Your World!

Customers won’t buy from brands they don’t know. It’s a core principle for digital marketing strategist Mack Collier. He has made...
2 min read 427
On-Demand Apps

The Increasing Demand for On-Demand Apps

Uber is one of the most ubiquitous on-demand smartphone apps, and now forward-thinking entrepreneurs are in the process of trying to...
2 min read 573

A Programmer’s Guide to Creating an Eclectic Bookshelf

Every developer should have a bookshelf. The possible set of texts in his cabinet are myriad, but not every collection gives...
7 min read

Top 10 Blockchain Courses

Eager to grow in blockchain? Do you want to learn how blockchain works but not sure where? Or there are just...
4 min read

Digital Identity for Noobs

How SMART people are creating identity value in an augmented reality. I recently turned 40 years old.  As a biologically born...
3 min read 708