
People sitting around a desk looking at a screen.

Crisis Gives HR New Opportunities

After a year of unprecedented health and economic crises, companies and their human resources staff are coming to terms with what...
3 min read 195

Why Founders Should (Mostly) Stay CEOs

Amazon. Apple. Google. Facebook. Microsoft. Oracle. What all these companies have in common is one of the founders was / is...
2 min read 435

Left-Brain v Right-Brain. Doesn’t Really Matter. Be Flexible In Your...

According to conventional wisdom, people tend to have a personality, thinking style, or way of doing things that are either left-brained...
3 min read 727

Discriminate against curiosity, not age

Here is what I suggest for 2021. Let your organization recruit for curiosity. Let your organization recruit for good questions. Within...
4 min read 349
Group of people around a table

Work hard in the spirit of diversity

Productivity and efficiency have their place. Why not eliminate waste and streamline work? Create a streamlined process and increase profits. The...
3 min read 335
Man standing next to productivity drawing

Digital leaders want to build the best experience

Turbulent times call for leadership. That especially applies in a digital world with constant change and transformation. Solo entrepreneurs and big...
8 min read 168

What’s Your COVID Rating? Designing Office Spaces for Pandemic Safet...

Ever since the COVID-19 pandemic swept over America and compelled workers to flee their offices for the isolated security of their...
3 min read 164

Five Advantages Female Leadership Brings to Your Business

From General Motors and Hershey to Ulta Beauty and Best Buy, mega-corporations around the world are proving that integrating more women...
2 min read
Yellow ducks lined up on shelves

Good alignment puts your values top of mind

Even in the best of times, entrepreneurs are guilty of overthinking. Add a worldwide crisis, and heads spin with ultimate solutions...
5 min read 325

Leadership or Fascism – the Fictional Story of Organization

Stories are important for the survival of our species as they help us find meaning in life and help us find...
4 min read 309

Do This With Your Kids Before You Jump On Your Next Zoom Call

In this age of a pandemic with working from home and schooling from home and daycare from home, and cleaning our...
3 min read 169
Assorted blue cubes

Artificial Intelligence, Leadership, and Talent Management

Artificial intelligence is transforming the talent management game—from recruiting to team building to succession planning. AI is also proving to be...
3 min read 373