
Starting line

Ready or not equals success or failure

As if business owners did not have enough to worry about, hit them and the rest of the world with a...
3 min read 310

5 things you should know about Disruptive Innovation that most people ...

Do you really understand the principles described in Disruptive Innovation by Clayton Christensen? Here is a quick guide to help you....
4 min read 479
Entering data on a laptop

Data driven starts with data literacy

Just hearing the word “data” is intimidating. Being honest, only 21 percent of global workers are confident in their data literacy...
3 min read 722

How to Get People to Really Listen to You

There’s no magic 5 step formula. That might not be what you want to hear right now but trust me in...
2 min read 504

Employee engagement: Who do you trust?

Compiling data on employees is a matter of trust. That is easily breached when confidential information turns out not to be...
3 min read 254
Workplace by Christina @wocintechchat on Unsplash

Engagement is a four-letter word

Engagement is one of the big buzzwords in social and professional circles. It promises greatness but often rings hollow. Mark Babbitt’s...
3 min read 563
Leadership perspective blog Norbert Biedrzycki

Leadership. It takes a wider perspective to win

Whether they want it or not, leaders are cogs in a fast-moving machine, which requires them to clip their claws regularly....
4 min read 363

Employing LinkedIn is Job 1

LinkedIn inspires love-hate relationships. Users swear by it or swear at it. Those in the middle simply don’t use it. Jeff...
3 min read 345

Leader or Follower? Both!

One doesn’t have to look far to see the perceived division between leaders and followers. Motivational posters, overly-hyped and overpaid event speakers,...
3 min read 572

In Search Of the Vanishing Human in HR

Human resources is almost a misnomer. People still have the ultimate say, but increased deferment to technology and processes strips away...
6 min read 971

Cut Through the Clutter and Say Thanks

A spirit resonates among leaders who look after their workers. Theodora Manjo sums it up this way: “Real leaders are in...
9 min read 182

Why You Need a Coach

Tom Brady is annoying. Let’s face it. But then, to the Cleveland Browns, so was Elway. Manning annoyed the holy crap...
7 min read 127