WHAT IS AGILE? Movement. Change. Adaptation. It’s the model enabling developers to respond to change or sudden problems without much disruption. ...
It’s your lucky day! You meet a kind stranger who offers you your choice of a great deal, something for nothing....
A coach can bring a boom to business. That puts a premium on hiring the right person. “If you want to...
All great movies have few things in common. Same is true with all-important programs or projects. More importantly, there is so...
Words matter. The best idea in the world will go for naught for lack of description. Whether oral, written or conveyed...
Every supervisor, manager, president, and CEO dreams of being recognized as “The World’s Greatest Boss,” so what are its definitive qualities?...
This story is about what I have observed regarding Southern Trump voters. I am a white male that was born and...
Have you ever felt that you are not the leader-type of a person but deep inside you want to be one?...
Former President Barack Obama is arguably the most popular living former president. Not only is he a global presence with a...
Even social media needs leaders to herd cats. One of those top cats is human leadership coach Gene Petrov, who helps...
Leadership is practiced in actions and attitude more than in words. Appreciate hard work, humility and empathy. At their core, relationships...
Synopsis: The President of the European Central Bank (ECB), Mario Draghi is set to step down later this year and the...