
Management team working together

How to manage great teams—and yourself

Teaming is a science. Systems theory, physics and practice have shown how people work together.  Dr. Janice Presser is a pioneering...
3 min read 532
Multidirectional Sign, reflecting decision making

The Difficult Job of Making Decisions

How many important decisions did you make lately? Difficult, isn’t it? Most of us would likely underestimate this number; It mainly...
3 min read 266

Opportunity awaits the innovators

Willingly or kicking and screaming, companies have turned to innovation to succeed in the face of massive global changes. If Tom...
3 min read 230
Woman working at laptop

Corporate survival hinges on their culture

Wrenching change and gut checks rule the day as companies lurch from one unforeseen challenge to another. Besides the massive human...
4 min read 241
Worker in home office

The ultimate way to keep your distance

Leaders and managers face challenges to engage and support their remote teams. What was once commonplace for international corporations now weighs...
3 min read 547

Why KPQs Are the New KPIs

Business leaders have largely focused on key performance indicators (KPIs) over the last several years when making decisions to shape their...
2 min read 902
Starting line

Ready or not equals success or failure

As if business owners did not have enough to worry about, hit them and the rest of the world with a...
3 min read 296
Plasma ball with branches representing ideas connected to a central topic

Get Yourself Together: A Story of Mind Mapping

What if there was a way to get yourself together, to make sense to your business/personal life and move forward with...
7 min read 923
medical staff

The competitive healthcare landscape in the face of veering technologi...

The demand for an agile business measure The business landscape is continuing to change. Millennials’ attitude is evolving into a more...
7 min read 247

How to Get People to Really Listen to You

There’s no magic 5 step formula. That might not be what you want to hear right now but trust me in...
2 min read 495

Employee engagement: Who do you trust?

Compiling data on employees is a matter of trust. That is easily breached when confidential information turns out not to be...
3 min read 245

Party Round? When Startups Should And Shouldn’t Take It

Party rounds, or mass syndication, is when a startup raises from multiple investors, none of which individually has a large enough...
2 min read