Automation and artificial intelligence power an innovative platform that streamlines the fiscal process for both employers and employees. The technology bridges...
With over 20 years of experience in corporate and small business consulting around brand marketing, I have come to see the...
Every individual is born with a particular realm of consciousness and beliefs. Even though within a given society, we may all...
Communication is the lifeblood of business. Ideas won’t form without collaboration, and deals don’t get done without negotiation. Successful teams understand...
Is “IBM Watson Health Imaging” the Future of Healthcare? Google details AI that classifies chest X-rays with human-level accuracy. New Research...
A Voice from the People in Maine’s Pine Tree Zone Debate Who Do you Think You ARE! ? photo by Mackenzie...
You are a startup that has done fantastic in your home market. Congratulations. Can you repeat it in new markets? This...
Dear MERZ-AI. You’ve got a great life. You had begun as a clueless chatbot. Later you’ve suffered an identity crisis. Now...
Political science arguments aside, discussions surrounding the role of government are critical more than ever. Politicians, economists, and policy makers have...
Everyone online has seen it. Whenever people search for something on Google, they end up interacting with similar ads on Facebook...
The three core requirements for raising a strong round of financing: substance — vision and results, our put it another way...
If you’re on social media but artificial intelligence sounds intimidating, fear not. You might be deeper into AI than you think. ...
“Chief Digital Officer”, “Chief Transformation Officer” are new executive roles that organizations are currently injecting in their CxOs Level, smelling opportunities...
Technology Disruption will decimate Congress piece by piece The Congress of the United States of America called 4 CEOs of big...
Companies are re-writing their Go-to-market strategies heading towards the new economic era The COVID-19 has opened up for conducting the business...
Does economic development rule the people, or serve the people? In the 1980’s when Burton A Weisbrod first published The NonProfit Economy,...
Working from home might be new for displaced office workers, but it’s typically the locale of choice for freelancers. With the...
First of all — congratulations. Getting a round together always takes work and a big VC fund is certainly a big...
In-person interactions have given way to remote work in many corporations around the world. Managers are picking and choosing the best...
As an operator turned founder turned investor I get asked often the pros and cons of being each. I often respond...
Consider these headlines from July, 21st, 2020 Case Numbers are far higher than reported in parts of U.S, C.D.C Says-NYtimes Armed...
Stories of success, anguish and the internal state of affairs from a “self-proclaimed” productive human Working from home really brought out...
Yes, says the global leaders…a silver lining in this global struggle. The present global pandemic has wreaked havoc on all spheres...
Digital privacy is practically a misnomer. The list of companies not hacked seems shorter than those attacked. Dentin Waweru might not...
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