
Dynamic pricing

AI and Dynamic Pricing – Secret Weapon of Tech Giants Today

One price for everyone! The invention of price tag took place in the 1870s to maintain the fairness of everybody looking...
3 min read

When is Entrepreneurship Close to Delusion?

Delusion is a belief or impression held despite it contradicts reality and rational arguments. Typically a symptom of a mental disorder....
3 min read

Are You Ready for the Periodic Inflection Point? Part 2

We discuss about the irreversible factors in global cycles and their drivers. We then discuss the risk aversion cycle and hedging,...
6 min read 209

Strong Brands Fly with Eagles

Standing out yields great returns. This is the playbook for an entrepreneur’s success on social media. Digital marketing strategist and media...
2 min read 411

Video Snaps Picture-Perfect Content

Mention “content,” and the first things that come to mind are words and pictures. That misses one of the fastest-growing segments...
3 min read 594
Product Management

6 must-have SKILLS that turn a Product Manager from Good to Great

Why does Product Management function exists? Organizations are driven by 2 entities, One which is focussing on DEFINING THE GOAL The functions...
4 min read

Collaboratively Label Tweets the Easy and Free Way

If you’re here because you just want the tool, skip down to the Solution section below. Background In order to grow...
2 min read 208

Hardware Startups: 3 Strategies For Succeeding

“Hardware is hard” — there are good reasons for the saying. At least compared to software, hardware typically takes longer to...
2 min read 321

Take a chance on risk

Risk + Awareness = Lessons Learned Or Victories Claimed “The biggest risk is not taking any risk… In a world that...
3 min read 179

WeWork And The IPO Drama

WeWork is one of the world’s most valuable startups, valued at $47 billion during its last round of funding in early...
2 min read 653
business circle

Circles Keep Businesses Well Rounded

Your circle is your anchor in business. In Fionah Samm’s words, networking is everything. “One of my businesses is a result...
2 min read 151
token economy

An Observation on Crypto Cycles: Is there still a Future for the Token...

We look at surviving or thriving in this cycle, bitcoin and altcoins adoption, and how gold will be the best investment...
4 min read 665