No matter what business you’re in, due diligence is absolutely critical. It’s boring, I’ll give you that. But it’s essential to...
It’s an implanted fact: According to the American Transplant Foundation, 20 patients in the United States die every day due to...
Tweeting smarter is Madalyn Sklar’s mantra. The social media consultant is Twitter’s biggest cheerleader. She backs up her passion as host...
Known as The Computer Guy, Joseph Ngare once dreamed of being a sports commentator. Now his thoughts have turned to another...
A powerful way to add value in a fast-moving digital world is to be a ‘thought partner’ for others. And asking...
For Amy Woods, “oldies but goodies” is more than a nostalgic saying. It’s her life’s work, captured in Woods’ Content 10X...
There are many things to worry about as a business. Employees, backend admin, day-to-day happenings, connecting with other companies in your...
Before making a purchase, talk. Marketers who do that will be ahead of the game. That’s the premise of what Paul...
How can a brand avoid the ever-selling voice and instead present what excites its audience and customers in a humane way?...
In the United States, one in five adults and nearly two million children are diagnosed with seasonal depression. From lowered energy...
Gingr aims to revolutionize the prostitution industry by adding cryptocurrency as a payment option for sex workers. Yes, you read this...
One of the most valuable things an effective leader can offer an organization is the ability to make decisions, hopefully the...