
The Importance of Cold Storing Cryptocurrencies & Generating Offli...

Knowing how to properly secure cryptocurrencies is imperative to you not becoming a statistic. Generating private keys offline and storing them...
4 min read 140

Is This The Real Life?

“Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy?” once sang Freddie Mercury, now we say; “Alexa play Bohemian Rhapsody.” “Prior...
3 min read 407

Video Sets Marketing in Motion

No one puts the marketing duo of Andrew and Pete in a corner when the topic turns to creative video. Their...
4 min read 368

Helping Hands Connect Partners From Afar

Partnerships produce profits professionally and personally. By far, they offer better results than going it alone. “I’m busy connecting, organizing and...
5 min read 385

Sales Funnels Aim for Buys, not Sales

Sales funnels are a key way to boost business, focused on the customer. According to financial expert Winnie Sun, “a marketing...
3 min read 605

What happens when platforms determine bias?

Content Creation and The Divide. Lately, the prevalent formula for success has been; you produce content which people find most agreeable and...
2 min read 123

The Technologies Poised to Change the World in 2019

It is not easy to imagine a technology that will receive as much publicity as the blockchain did last year but...
6 min read

Falling isn’t failing.

You only fail when you give up. Every hero must fall, we live for the moments that the underdog emerges; rising to...
2 min read 303

Burnout Exhausts Easy Answers

“Most health professionals know how to take care of patients, but not how to take care of themselves.” Healthcare professional and...
5 min read 710

So Socially Good They’re Scary

It’s never too late. That applies to yearnings inspired by a mid-life crisis as well as more sensible but off-putting notions...
5 min read 336

The Changing Definition Of Success Among Young People

Today, it’s tough for young people to get started in life. Long gone are the days of marching up to the...
46 sec read 190

Healthy Brands Grow from Positioning

Brand positioning is one of Phemelo Segoe‘s passions. She is an entrepreneur, wellness coach and founder of MillTribe, which is short...
1 min read 743