Personal Growth

A Brilliant Pro and Con List

Pros and Cons. Probably the most used method to decide between two different courses of action: Should I start a business...
2 min read 259

Personal Lessons From Startups – Part 5 of 5

Know When to Pivot In the dynamic world of startups, the ability to pivot is not just a strategic necessity but...
2 min read 102

Life Balance, Financial Well-Being, Investing, and Debt: How to Naviga...

It is okay to worry about personal finance. Navigating the treacherous waters of life balance, financial well-being, investing, and debt may...
6 min read 255

Personal Lessons from Startups – Part 4 of 5

Iterate and Experiment Startups are known for their iterative approach. They test hypotheses, gather feedback, and continuously improve or adjust their...
4 min read 224

Personal Lessons From Startups – Part 3 of 5

Asking for Help Investing in a startup when there is no product has a lot to do with evaluating the team...
2 min read 200

If He Were A Millionaire, This Is How He’d Live

Too many delay experiences for no good reason While I was cleaning out my car, a guy told me if he were...
1 min read 144

Personal Lessons From Startups – Part 2 of 5

It’s no secret that for startups to succeed, growth is key. Startups generally aim to revolutionize the industry they serve and...
3 min read 231

How “Imposter Syndrome” is killing your innovation and how to figh...

As persons, professionals, and organisations we fear impostor syndrome too much. Both towards others and ourselves. We live in a world...
4 min read 303

3 Timeless Lessons I Learned From Barack Obama’s Book

If Barack Obama called, would you answer it? Some would, other’s may not. Regardless of your political views, lessons are still...
4 min read 150

Left-Brain v Right-Brain. Doesn’t Really Matter. Be Flexible In Your...

According to conventional wisdom, people tend to have a personality, thinking style, or way of doing things that are either left-brained...
3 min read 748

10 Ways To ‘Uplive’ In Your Remote Office

Upliving Remotely: The consistent application of routines and skills that take you from surviving remotely, to thriving remotely. Over the past year...
4 min read 124

The Kids Are Alright: Why Gen-Zs Front-runners will Succeed, Because o...

You’ve probably heard some variation of the following phrase: “hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times...
5 min read 369