“You either progress, or you momentarily stay where you are until you progress but you can’t fail”. This is a quote...
It might seem like a strange image for some but when I think of creativity I tend to think of Philippe...
The fundamental attitude towards a genuine Personalized healthcare Ultimate sustainability is the state desired in almost every aspect of our lives....
Societal engineering and the centuries-old neglected modern autocracy Everything we see, do, or feel has a meaning. Linguistically we need specific...
Success comes from hammering away at your craft until other people take notice. And then keep doing it at a high...
If you tickle one…both will laugh, applications of quantum entanglement. The Red Thread of Fate Quantum mechanics (QM; also known as...
Let’s just preface this whole thing with the fact that it started with a joke of a Venn diagram. One of...
Is pessimism killing your company’s work ethic? You should be able to answer this question pretty quickly. If the following phrases...
This is what Hanson Robotics and others had to say at SXSW. Not long ago, Saudi Arabia granted citizenship to Sophia the...
That is the conclusion we have drawn from the current research and development for our radically-new, AI-enhanced technology, a DApp called...
Genome editing is on the cutting edge of science. It’s also morally questionable and possibly illegal in many jurisdictions. Despite that,...
It’s an implanted fact: According to the American Transplant Foundation, 20 patients in the United States die every day due to...
“Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy?” once sang Freddie Mercury, now we say; “Alexa play Bohemian Rhapsody.” “Prior...
Publicly available solutions are ubiquitous. These products can fill a team’s need so well that it is tempted to build its...
Great leadership requires a solid foundation of self-esteem. It’s not the ones that are always wrong that we need to be...
On leaving behind digital breadcrumbs. In his revealing and subliminal book on Business Strategy, Only the Paranoid Survive, Intel’s C.E.O Andrew...
Gut feelings, as it turns out, are more than a feeling. The science is quite clear on it: Your gut knows...
…I kinda sorta fell asleep, and here’s why “Degrees” are bullshit. Alright, who’s next — alright Nabeel Tahir, may you please...
“The extreme sophistication of modern technology — wonderful though its benefits are — is ironically an impediment to engaging young people...
Networking in the Digital Age is alive and well. While Björn Luciano Salsone makes a living as a digital leader, he...
They teach us that a significant role in the transformation of an organization is played by clearly defined business goals, the...
…It just happens to be uncomfortable. The human body, needs pain and stress to grow — it’s a natural factor. Think...
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