
Going Crazy Managing A Fundraise? 5 Practical Guidelines For Entrepren...

At Tau Ventures we believe the fundraising process is always a bit broken — it works for some startups some of...
3 min read 254

A Failing Startup? 5 Best Practices

We often talk about what to do for your startup to succeed. But what to do when you have to call...
3 min read 198

Fundraising Intermediaries? Why Entrepreneurs Don’t Do It, And W...

When it comes to startup fundraising, using intermediaries is looked disfavorably in many if not most ecosystems. Three key reasons for...
2 min read 206

Crowdfunding? 3 Principles For Entrepreneurs

Oculus. Glowforge. Flow. Exploding Kittens. Veronica Mars. Tile. The Coolest Cooler. BauBax. Fidget Cube. What do all of these companies have...
1 min read 144

Why Founders Should (Mostly) Stay CEOs

Amazon. Apple. Google. Facebook. Microsoft. Oracle. What all these companies have in common is one of the founders was / is...
2 min read 435

Be a Better Entrepreneur

Entrepreneurs always look for the right recipe to increase the odds of success. Steve Blank was probably one of the “recipe”...
3 min read 222

Pre-emptive round? 4 Ways To Decide How Startups Should Approach It

Someone wants to give you money before you start fundraising? When you still have cash in the bank? And you are...
2 min read 242

Second Mover Advantage — 3 Key Principles To Succeed As A Fast F...

Ask the general public and they will tell you being the first into a market is the key to winning. But...
2 min read 679

Should I Take This Money? 5 Major Ways VCs Invest In You — And H...

VCs come in many different shapes: investment thesis, fund size, geographic focus, profit-motivated versus strategic returns, and how they invest. Indeed,...
3 min read 226

Why Diagnostics Is Hard: Three Extra Challenges And How Startups Can S...

Diagnostics shares the same two key challenges as most of digital health. One, long sales cycles of 9-18 months into providers,...
2 min read 127

Virtual Fundraising For Startups — A Q&A

Q&A with Eileen Wu Raise Partners CEO and Sand Hill Network Co-Founder, Former CNN and CNBC Reporter/Producer Has virtual fundraising leveled...
5 min read 178

Venture Capital is for the Elite only

Our economy has changed. I see three significant trends. A significant number of youngsters, freshly out of school, want to become...
4 min read 762