Venture Capital

So A Big VC Fund Is Investing In Your Startup? 4 Practical Considerati...

First of all — congratulations. Getting a round together always takes work and a big VC fund is certainly a big...
2 min read 576

To Be Or Not To Be: Operator Vs Founder Vs Investor?

As an operator turned founder turned investor I get asked often the pros and cons of being each. I often respond...
2 min read

COVID19 and Venture Capital

Venture Capital market analysis from the Great Recession to COVID19 When analyzing a startup, especially the ones at early-stage, investors focus...
14 min read 359

We Need A Lot More Than Data: How Startups Can Harness AI

You open your phone, take an eye exam, and find out your risk of Alzheimer’s 3-5 years ahead even though you...
2 min read 458

Startup101: How Do I Divide Equity Among My Cofounders And Employees?

So you have just spent six months building a prototype with an early team, punting the question on how to divide...
2 min read 438

Fundraising During A Pandemic? 4 Ways For Startups To Be Most Effectiv...

The fundamentals of pitching a startup during a pandemic are no different than pitching in normal times. In fact, there is...
2 min read 200

So You Want To Invest In Startups? 5 Ways Other Than Being A Full-Time...

Ever considered investing in startups but don’t want to be a full-time VC? There are other paths and this post will...
2 min read 283

Will Robots Take Over Our Restaurants? A Startup View

Tau Ventures is an applied AI fund in Silicon Valley and food automation is one of our core focuses including an...
3 min read 278

Why Is That Entrepreneur Raising So Much More Than Me?

How much to raise is both an art and a science, a topic discussed at length in many other posts. What...
2 min read 460

How To Pitch Your Early-Stage Healthcare Startup To A VC? The Three Ma...

Tau Ventures is a seed fund and digital health is half of our portfolio; our strong view is in healthcare market...
2 min read 711

What Do VCs Look For In Their Own Investors aka LPs?

If an entrepreneur is looking just for money they should probably raise from sources other than VC. What good VCs do...
3 min read 262

Do I Need A Technical Cofounder? A Guide For Startups

If you are asking the question then what you are fundamentally asking is about the kind of company you are building....
2 min read 339