
We Are All in a Boat, But Not in the Same Boat

What can we learn from the crisis , and how can we come stronger out of the corona crisis? “We are all in...
8 min read 406

Could Machine Learning and NLP Have Predicted Oil’s Crash? The A...

A guide on how to combine Machine Learning and NLP to successfully predict the COVID-19 lead oil crash. On April 20th,...
5 min read

The Future of COVID Testing

Pitfalls and opportunities We are all appalled by the feeble US response to the need for COVID testing. This failure was...
4 min read 162

Who is gaslighting whom?

In the past, we would talk about confusing, deluding, brainwashing, or messing with someone’s mind. Polish speakers would talk about making...
7 min read 692

Defining ‘Life’ in the Time of COVID-19

My wife and I are approaching a month of self-imposed isolation to avoid getting the coronavirus. We are both over 70...
4 min read 177

A NEW WORLD COMES (a COVID-19 Coronavirus Pandemic story): What might...

We face a real but controllable crisis — a disease with very high infectiousness but moderate to low death rate (so long as...
4 min read

Crisis? 5 Principles For Startups To Still Raise Seed

This is Part II of a series, Part I was Crisis? 3 Ways VCs Adapt. There is a global crisis going...
2 min read 102

[Tech in Covid-19] Digital ID – 1 Week, from Dev to Deploy

Compared to the SARS outbreak 17 years ago, the Covid-19 outbreak is more severe in multiple ways, such as longer incubation...
5 min read 378

In the Age of COVID-19: A Seismic Shift in Sports

Sports Organizations such as the UFC have long catered to live-audiences. With the Outbreak of COVID-19, that may soon change. Last...
2 min read 211

Does COVID-19 Mark the Beginning of The Next Great Recession? No.

In my previous article, I listed many global and domestic problems that were being vastly ignored by the bullish market that...
4 min read 526