Alternative data
Peer-to-peer (P2P) platforms, where individuals can sell products and services to each other, like Etsy, Shopify, Vinted, and Airbnb, have changed...
The real estate sector has always been a popular target for investors. Perhaps because it’s considered a low-risk investment compared to...
Roughly 4.4 billion, or 56% of the world’s population, live in cities, making them some of the most interesting, exciting, and...
Competition in the ecommerce industry is intense, calling for innovative strategies businesses can use to capture customer interest, maintain loyalty, and...
One of the most pronounced unintended effects of monetary and fiscal policy is response lag. When changing their approach to policy,...
In 2021, the Bank of Japan (BoJ) released a paper, supporting their newly minted measure of inflation – the Price Sentiment...
Investors these days need all the edges they can get. Information is widely available, and there is no shortage of smart...
Renowned technology strategist Clara Durodié discusses the European Union’s proposed new ethics regulations on artificial intelligence (AI) technology. The ethics of...
Recently, I’ve read Dr Justin Chan’s piece on Data Driven Investing. I found it quite interesting and eye opening: A Big Data intelligence firm...
How climate risk intelligence can enable sustainable action at the local level As discussed in our last post, climate risk intelligence is what...
Climate risk intelligence to inform location-specific physical risk now and in the future. For decades, scientists have warned about the increase...
Exploring Future Scenarios with the Changing Climate The growing number of high-intensity acute physical hazards like wildfires and floods have been...
You open your phone, take an eye exam, and find out your risk of Alzheimer’s 3-5 years ahead even though you...
In recent years, everyone talks about Big Data. We are always connected, so it is no mystery that the amount of...
For several years now, my focus has been on using alternative data of many kinds to predict macroeconomic statistics. When ran...
The Full Extent of How Your Personal Data is Being (Mis)used You are going to the supermarket for groceries; on your...
Alternative data conferences connect actors in the buy-side ecosystem to explore novel use cases as the demand for alternative data is...
The role of data analytics in the finance industry is profound and growing with each passing year. With data science, machine...
You are the CEO of a well-known asset management company and are sitting in a meeting with a new data vendor,...
Currency markets present one of the most challenging but rewarding market opportunities to both institutional and individual investors. With the advancement...
Alternative data is now being hailed as the new oil. These data sets give a unique and timely view of the...
In late August, connected bike and treadmill company Peloton – described as the “Netflix of exercise” – filed paperwork to go...
Alternative data is defined as non-traditional data investors use to gain insights into their investment process. Unlike traditional datasets data such...
Most investors will have heard that co-working company WeWork plans to go public this fall. Its tequila-swigging, surfer dude CEO Adam...
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