
When dollars fall from the skies..

Markets speculate, more so, during times of low visibility and market volatility. The $1.9tr American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) has raised...
4 min read 332

Inflationism: State-Sponsored Monopoly or the Economic Strategy

Money is a fiscal unit that functions as a generally accepted medium of trade for transactional purposes. But that unit does...
2 min read 172

What is the Meaning of “Capitalism” and Other Out-Moded Terms?

The true history of eleventh-century civilization is a source of inspiration for contemporary apocalypse dramas. After five centuries of living in danger...
5 min read 485

Will Pokemon Cards Become the Latest Commodity Craze

Gamification, scarcity, and The Greater Fool Theory Pokemon cards have been on fire lately. While Gamestop hasn’t quite made it to...
3 min read

The Link Between Consumerism And Productive Societies

Why consumerism and productivity go hand-in-hand, everything has a price Consumerism is seen as a negative trend in most of today’s...
4 min read 482

Impermanent Loss In DeFi — The Risks Involved In Providing Liquidity

The impermanent loss also called divergent loss, is the difference between when you are holding tokens in an AMM (Automated Market Maker) Liquidity Pool and just...
4 min read

Is There a Correlation Between Tax Cuts and Tax Revenues?

The other day on a Facebook thread, I was trying in vain to make the point with a group of recently...
3 min read 306

We can Homogenize the Global Market without Globalization

Looking back at the history of human evolution and its associated socioeconomic obstacles, we can observe how to overcome the disparity...
11 min read 306

Who Do You Think You Are?

A Voice from the People in Maine’s Pine Tree Zone Debate Who Do you Think You ARE! ? photo by Mackenzie...
19 min read 293

How not to be dumb money

Why believe a title that says I’d know how to tell dumb from smart money? Because I’ve been both and learned...
6 min read 884

Close But No Cigar — Stock Market Targets Record Highs Amidst Stalle...

DDI Markets & Economy Newsletter | Week of August 17 | Together With Alpha Trades DDI Updates Expert Chat program: A collaborative...
4 min read 336

The Irrationality Behind Rationality

The article unravels the myth behind the theory of rational decision making used in modern-day economics. The conventional economic theory defines...
3 min read