
Hot Times in Cold Storage

Why Cold Chain Logistics is on Fire Cold-storage warehousing is hot. In the past year, we have seen a flood of capital...
2 min read 458

Sparks Interview – W. Brian Arthur: A Historical Transformation Is T...

In this session of Sparks Interview, we are honoured to have the father of Complexity economics, W. Brian Arthur, with us...
9 min read 668

New Cycle? Four Future Possibilities of Bitcoin, Part 2 

In Part 2, we continue to observe public information to draw four possible future scenarios (three scenarios will be explained in...
6 min read 349

New Cycle? Four Future Possibilities of Bitcoin, Part 1  

In Part 1, we draw relations from the key factors of the global macro economy to Bitcoin’s future. By observing public...
5 min read 258

Pacific Gas & Electronic: A silent Partner in the Unsustainable G...

The state of California, with the 39.56 million in Population and Area of 163,696 square miles, has a net worth over...
9 min read 161
Economic System

Market, Economy, and Cycles, Part 2

In the previous article, we gave an overview of the emergence of crisis. Next, we will further illustrate how cycles should...
8 min read 678

What’s Your Level? (Level-k Theory Explained)

Imagine a classroom filled with approximately 30 students. The class is a lecture on neuroeconomics, the students are all behavioural scientists...
4 min read 881

Economic Rent- The Influential Switch in Excess of Talent and Skill

Boy! Did we do a day’s work! They give the job all they’ve got!”- The slogan of Domestic Operations Branch at...
15 min read 371
Data Science

Secret of Capitalism’s Success, from Data Science’s Perspective

Data scientists perceive the world as data-processing systems, and this view is being increasingly adopted in economics and politics: after all,...
2 min read 699

Four Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Trust China’s GDP Data

China’s economic growth in recent decades has been truly spectacular, with an average rate of more than 6.5%, and now it...
5 min read

China Must Economically Surpass America

If our goal is for every person on the planet to live well, we should encourage less developed countries to increase...
2 min read 659

Will Cryptos Replace Fiat Currencies In The Long Run?

The latest market capitalization data on Coin market cap shows that the over 2,000 listed Cryptocurrencies have a combined value of...
3 min read 781