
A Visual History of Gold (and Silver): Money, a Barbarous Relic, a Go-...

There are rumors circulating in the financial community that the BRICS countries are poised to announce the creation of a new...
5 min read 498

Money Is Power, Power to the People! A Call for a Decentralized Moneta...

Money Creation and Economic Growth Jerome Powell, the current head of the U.S. central bank, revealed that he liked this job. “Yes, …...
15 min read 299

5 Facts About Forex Fundamental Analysis That Will Blow Your Mind

When you research the forex market by analyzing interest rates, employment rate, International trade and manufacturing, and GDP, that is fundamental...
3 min read 283

Best trading strategy metric every trader should know

Understanding a better substitute for win ratio and profit/loss ratio Like any other business, successful trading requires an analysis of our...
4 min read