
In Search of a Major Technological Breakthrough. Part III. Saint Paul,...

What Lies Behind the Rise of Crypto Saint Paul once transformed himself from being a tax collector who persecuted early Christians...
8 min read 207

In Search of a Major Technological Breakthrough. Part I. Degrowth: The...

Since 1971 we have been living in an age of price mega revolution with the average annual rates of inflation reaching...
4 min read 238

A Visual History of Gold (and Silver): Money, a Barbarous Relic, a Go-...

There are rumors circulating in the financial community that the BRICS countries are poised to announce the creation of a new...
5 min read 505

The Myth of “Good” Inflation and “Bad” Deflation

The myth that inflation is a “good” thing has become quite deeply entrenched over the past decades. Its proponents insist that...
9 min read 509

Money Is Power, Power to the People! A Call for a Decentralized Moneta...

Money Creation and Economic Growth Jerome Powell, the current head of the U.S. central bank, revealed that he liked this job. “Yes, …...
15 min read 301

In the Long Run Long-Term Government Bonds Are Safe, But We Are a Long...

Earlier in the year the Swiss National Bank, Switzerland’s central bank, released its latest report. While reading the news covering the...
8 min read 240

A Lottery Ticket to the “Green World”: A Deeper Look into the “G...

The transition towards a “green economy” has so often been discussed recently at all levels that one would imagine it is...
10 min read 447
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The Gold Standard, the Golden Jubilee, and the Role of Gold in an Inve...

It came as no surprise to me that in today’s information-saturated world the jubilee of one of the most important economic events...
4 min read 508

Fiscal Policy v. Monetary Policy

If you want to understand taxes, inflation, spending and interest rates, you should know the difference between fiscal policy and monetary...
4 min read 452