Investing Strategies
The ability to earn a passive income with your cryptocurrency holdings has been around a while now. I have dabbled in...
Gemini has officially incorporated digital asset insurance into its trading platform on top of the already FDIC fiat currency insurance. The...
StellarX is the name given to the feeless, all-encompassing decentralized exchange. All-encompassing in that soon there will be stocks, bonds real...
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Selected by the UK’s Department of International Trade to take part in their FinTech Trade Mission to Tokyo, I have just...
For some, making money is the be-all and end-all of the investment game. Be it securities, commodities, cryptocurrency, or real estate,...
Investing is not to be taken lightly or without forethought. For those with short memories, markets don’t always go up, and...
We recently discussed how companies such as Quandl are leading this alternative data revolution. Now, quantitative hedge funds are only too...
It was once the norm that being a hedge fund quant required some seriously impressive academic credentials. Straight-A’s at school, a...
There’s no doubt that biotech is an extremely versatile and promising sector, and it’s only going to become more pervasive. But...
Alpha, as a measure of active management skills in the fund’s world, gauge the manager’s ability to beat the market. Skills...
Despite the ongoing battle on a cliff above a trade war, analysts still have firm belief in the growth of certain industries...