Following up from the last article “VCs Suck? Here Are 5 Practical Ways For Entrepreneurs To Minimize The Pain,” this post...
In 2013 Elon Musk proposed the Starship as a fully reusable heavy-lift rocket capable of revolutionizing transportation. The Starship is promised...
I hear on an almost daily basis a startup complaining about VCs, mostly about lack of response or lack of clarity....
I get asked a lot of questions by company founders. One of the most common: what do investors look for in...
Investing and trading always interested me. Back in 08, I turned 18 and the financial markets crashed. I felt like it...
How to invest and not lose a shirt doing it? The thing is people who never invested money are afraid to...
We discuss about the irreversible factors in global cycles and their drivers. We then discuss the risk aversion cycle and hedging,...
WeWork is one of the world’s most valuable startups, valued at $47 billion during its last round of funding in early...
Boeing has had a turbulent second and third quarter this year. It was related to the worldwide grounding of the Boeing...
Startups from around the world have found crowdfunding to be an extremely viable alternative to traditional venture capital. To date, crowdfunding...
In late August, connected bike and treadmill company Peloton – described as the “Netflix of exercise” – filed paperwork to go...
Most investors will have heard that co-working company WeWork plans to go public this fall. Its tequila-swigging, surfer dude CEO Adam...