
We Need A Lot More Than Data: How Startups Can Harness AI

You open your phone, take an eye exam, and find out your risk of Alzheimer’s 3-5 years ahead even though you...
2 min read 460

Is It Now the Time to Replace the Banks with DeFi?

DeFi a.k.a. decentralized finance is here to over throne traditional banks, yet the billions of dollars worth institutions are still blind...
3 min read
Crypto Exchange - Image via Shutterstock

Why Engaging With Right Crypto Exchange Matters

Cryptocurrencies, especially bitcoins, have shown tremendous growth so far when compared to gold and the U.S.Dollar. In June 2020, the price...
6 min read 826

I am a Baby Boomer, and this is the story of how my generation let the...

Featuring The Maine Capital Corporation of 1976 Established in the wake of a newly centralized United States Economy, Legal status disclosure:...
27 min read 551

The Irrationality Behind Rationality

The article unravels the myth behind the theory of rational decision making used in modern-day economics. The conventional economic theory defines...
3 min read

Investing in disruptive technology made easy

Researching and doing your due diligence to find 10 baggers that could dominate future industries can be tough. The tech giants...
4 min read

Startup101: How Do I Divide Equity Among My Cofounders And Employees?

So you have just spent six months building a prototype with an early team, punting the question on how to divide...
2 min read 439

Helpful Behavioral Economics Concepts for the Business-Minded

In corporate America, Gaussian statistics, deterministic interpretations of the world around us, and rational utilitarian models have long dominated the decision-making...
1 min read 907

How Data Analytics Can Inform Real Estate Finance

Data is the hot commodity of the 21st century. Because of its ability to fuel and inform nearly every industry in...
3 min read 965

How to Not Go Broke Trading Options on Robinhood

Five simple rules for new traders The COVID-19 pandemic has shuttered most workplaces. Many people are now working from home, or...
5 min read

Can emissions trading save us?

What is emissions trading? Source Emissions trading, also known as cap and trade, has two components. First a cap is set...
3 min read 230

Volcker Act Gets Sacked, Corporate Giants Stand to Benefit

No surprises in that statement, the show must go on. Financial markets are incredibly complicated. While manageable by a central authority...
3 min read 371