
Libra may be the end for Facebook: Part 2

Facebook’s choice to issue a centralized, semi-anonymous, permissioned token (Libra) is puzzling. First, Facebook’s understanding of the concept of modern money...
2 min read 367

How Startups Can Help Fix Our Broken Healthcare Infrastructure —...

A pandemic exposes the flaws in our society, healthcare very much included. While meaningful improvements require all 5 Ps — Payors,...
2 min read 395
emergency fund, finance, strong, thrive

The greatest financial lesson from the current pandemic

The lockdown due to the current health crisis has impacted everyone mentally, physically and financially. However, the financial impact from the...
3 min read 567
Digital Money

Digital Currency – What does it take to launch a CBDC?

China’s digital yuan has been in the WORKS SINCE 2014. The launch date, however, still remains unknown The Riksbank, Sweden’s central bank,...
3 min read 808

Capitalism and Fake Modernity

Capitalism is a type of economy in which wealth is privatized, as individuals own the means of producing goods and earn...
10 min read 634
Buybacks and infinite supply of money

Stock buybacks and why we all pay for them.

We entered 2020 on the back of record-high debt burdens, geopolitical tensions, elections and a climate war. Not even 3 months...
4 min read 438

The Sharpe Ratio Paradox: Why Still Invest In Venture Capital?

Sharpe ratio is a way of quantifying returns based on risk, specifically it is the average return earned in excess of...
2 min read
short-term investment options of 2020

Handpicked resources for the best short-term investment options of 202...

Investing is a great way to increase your net wealth. If you have saved a good amount of money by following...
3 min read 504

Cash is king, more potent than we think

On March 12, 2020, on the eve of President Trump declaring COVID-19 a national emergency, the New York Times reported that...
8 min read

Using Google Search Trends to Predict Initial Jobless Claims

For several years now, my focus has been on using alternative data of many kinds to predict macroeconomic statistics. When ran...
2 min read

How Hedge Funds Are Profiting From Your Data

The Full Extent of How Your Personal Data is Being (Mis)used You are going to the supermarket for groceries; on your...
3 min read

Crisis? 3 Ways VCs Adapt

There is a global crisis going on as I write this article. It’s not the first, it won’t be the last....
2 min read 236