
AI Startups + Fundraising = What Are The Metrics?

What do I need to show in order to raise my next round? All entrepreneurs face that question at some point...
2 min read 795

Psychology of Poverty

There seems to be a genuine belief that if you just work hard enough, dream big and go hard, you will...
4 min read 285

The Price of Poverty

There is a high price to pay for living the life of those who don’t have any resources to pay it. Most...
3 min read 304

How Much Money Will Make You Happy?

According to two Nobel Prize winners, $75k should be enough. Money and happiness. Two very different concepts that have gotten a...
4 min read

Startups And The Series A1 Trap

Hit the magical $1M ARR a year after your A but not so sure if you should be raising a B?...
2 min read

Artificial Intelligence as a Tool for Investing

Have you considered diversifying your investment portfolio? Of course you have. Have you considered diversifying the tools you use for investing?...
4 min read

Intellectual Property Protection in China

According to WIPO Director-General, Francis Gurry, China «has given the issue of intellectual property a strategic role and has paid great...
2 min read 292

What Mobile Banking Means for the Digital Economy?

Everyone talks about “fintech.” But, fintech is nothing more than clever applications of financial technology to solve problems for consumers and...
3 min read 545

Are You Experiencing FOBO?

Have you heard of Fear Of a Better Option yet? We know that making choices is hard. The more choices we...
4 min read 737

The Blockchain Industry is in a Tight Spot, How to Break Out of the Cu...

In Part 1, we discuss the reasons for the perplexity, industries that disappeared in history, and difficulties in investing in an...
4 min read 335

The Next Great Recession Is Near and Here’s Why

There are many reasons to feel confident about our economic future in the US as of late. And why shouldn’t we...
12 min read

Artificial Intelligence is an Efficient Banker

The innovative use of artificial intelligence in the financial industry is no passing fad. It is a must and a trend...
7 min read 375