Stock Markets
CRH plc, through its subsidiaries, manufactures and distributes building materials. It operates in three segments: Americas Materials, Europe Materials, and Building...
Hello fellow investors and people who take care about their financial stability! I bet you heard about the idea of saving...
The transition towards a “green economy” has so often been discussed recently at all levels that one would imagine it is...
As you can see in the title I will recap in this Article 3 stocks that pay out dividends monthly. There...
Let’s Revisit What Ray Dalio, Warren Buffett, Saudi Fund, and Tiger Global Purchased during the Downturn We have already seen multiple days...
September has arrived. For market participants it is not only the time to return to their offices after summer vacation, but...
Broadcom Inc. designs, develops, and supplies various semiconductor devices with a focus on complex digital and mixed signal complementary metal oxide...
PIF has been buying growth stocks recently. Should you? Saudi’s largest sovereign wealth fund is Public Investment Fund (PIF). They are the...
Economic data in recent weeks has remained resilient, despite experts saying that interest rate hikes and balance sheet reductions from the...
To be honest, I have never watched the Eurovision Song Contest. For our readers living outside Europe, I can explain that...
Bed, Bath, and Beyond made it in the news a lot recently, and not for a good reason too. A loss...
Inflation continues to be a drag on the economy. The consumer price index rose 9.1% in June year-over-year, which was the...
Algorithmic trading has a pretty interesting history. It may be common today, but the industry had to conquer many obstacles to...
Darktrace had been billed as a success story after its April 2021 listing on the London Stock Exchange accelerated 98.48% within...
The prosperity of the London Stock Exchange has become increasingly essential to the economic wellbeing of the United Kingdom in the...
A friend of mine moved her 401K stocks into bonds at the end of last year because she thought a revolution...
I broke the rule and ended up with financial losses. I started investing in 2017 and then I learned about this...
These five stocks have consistent dividend and share repurchase programs that can significantly enhance your total return over the long term...
They generate huge amounts of free cash flow and use the most of this to reduce their share counts — to...
Covid-19 has carried with it a wide range of disruptive influences across countless industries. While there was an initial significant adverse...
IPOs Coming Up, How Should You Think About Them? The stock market is doing well, hitting all-time highs. A number of...
My father was a day-trader back in the 1960’s and 1970’s. He was a member of the New York Stock Exchange...
Approximately one year ago we published the first article about YUCE-8 — an AI service hosted in Google Cloud that aims to forecast...
“If you want to beat the S&P 500, starting thinking of the index as a filter and not as a benchmark....
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