
Are You Ready to Fall in Love with AI? Investing in Our Increasingly L...

We are living increasingly lonely lives. If you can feel it without relying on any hard data, your feelings are real...
6 min read 326

How I Dramatically Increased Body Awareness Using Technology

What is the biggest challenge of yoga practice? Is it developing muscle strength, or flexibility, or the stamina to stay in...
8 min read 295

The 3 Fastest Rising Startup Digital Fitness Companies

The Covid-19 pandemic has forced people around the globe to seek solutions and alternatives to activities they enjoyed with impunity before...
3 min read 883

How New Health Technology Makes Us Live Past 100 Years?

Are you scared of the new technology kid around the corner popping? Do you think what to do when the latest...
5 min read 341

Preventing‌ ‌Low‌ ‌Back‌ ‌Pain -‌ ‌A‌ ‌Guide‌ �...

Almost everyone reading this has had or will have some form of nagging low back pain. Given the current pandemic, much...
5 min read 335

Staying Fit in Exceptional Times

We live in times like no other. The third of the world population is on lockdown due to the Coronavirus pandemic....
5 min read 464