genetic engineering

Are You Ready to Fall in Love with AI? Investing in Our Increasingly L...

We are living increasingly lonely lives. If you can feel it without relying on any hard data, your feelings are real...
6 min read 325

3 Billion Reasons the Biotechnological Revolution must Preserve

Reprogramming our Genetics (GNR part 2) As a fellow believer of the acceleration of technology and fanboy of esteemed futurist Ray Kurzweil,...
6 min read 465

Investing in disruptive technology made easy

Researching and doing your due diligence to find 10 baggers that could dominate future industries can be tough. The tech giants...
4 min read

The Future of Humanity is Genetic Engineering and Neural Implants

SXSW the leading tech, music, and film festival is on March 13–22nd 2020. It will feature talks on cutting edge technology...
5 min read