Intellectual Property

Looking Beyond NFT From Million Dollar JPEG Energy Hogs To Its Value P...

The value of digital content can be captured in NFT (Non-Fungible Token), a type of cryptocurrency that is stored on the Ethereum blockchain. This...
11 min read 238

Deep Tech Dive #3 | Matt McGuire CEO of SafeStamp®

“Jim Mattis invested in Theranos. Osama Bin Laden invested in box cutters. Who changed the world more?” A couple of weeks...
8 min read 447

Patent Trolls: From Under the Bridge to a Courtroom Near You

Michael Switzer, partner and chair of the intellectual property practice at Actuate Law, discusses patent “trolls” and their effect on the...
6 min read 349

Yes We Can! The SBIR and STTR Grants for American Small Business

Does economic development rule the people, or serve the people? In the 1980’s when Burton A Weisbrod first published The NonProfit Economy,...
20 min read 447

Tackling Cultural Appropriation in the Fashion Industry

Authenticity has become a popular metric to gauge the artistic merit of modern fashion designs. According to Miuccia Prada, “all our...
4 min read