This year wasn’t easy for many. I hope you didn’t sell anything and I encourage you again to hold your stocks...
Legendary value investor Warren Buffett once said, “Be fearful when others are greedy, and greedy when others are fearful.” My parents...
The secret to building wealth lies in leveraging your money and using debt. I forgot where I heard this, but with...
This question is a really hard one for many out there because it isn’t easy to change after a month or...
Even those investors who are vaguely familiar with the market know that ‘earnings season‘ happens four times a year, with companies...
Many of those involved in the world of financial markets often compare it to sports. Both activities deliver a lot of...
CRH plc, through its subsidiaries, manufactures and distributes building materials. It operates in three segments: Americas Materials, Europe Materials, and Building...
We are living increasingly lonely lives. If you can feel it without relying on any hard data, your feelings are real...
Hello fellow investors and people who take care about their financial stability! I bet you heard about the idea of saving...
Should you invest in pharmacies? No, I’m not talking about big pharma companies but the small little corner stores selling medicines...
Learn to read annual reports even if you don’t know any accounting Warren Buffett has said: Accounting is the language of...