
Healthcare needs Physician Independence

The single fundamental factor that unravels the medical profession from the tread is its deep root in intimate human life. It...
10 min read 423

Science and Money in the Climate Change Debate

… if we had one There is no public debate about climate change. On Medium, where I post my texts, there...
11 min read 565
Crisis Management

Crisis Management Flies on ‘Plane’ Truth

When an Ethiopian Airlines 737 Max crashed shortly after takeoff, the nation was plunged into crisis. The prime minister took to...
5 min read

A Programmer’s Guide to Creating an Eclectic Bookshelf

Every developer should have a bookshelf. The possible set of texts in his cabinet are myriad, but not every collection gives...
7 min read

Gift of life confronts social taboos

It’s an implanted fact: According to the American Transplant Foundation, 20 patients in the United States die every day due to...
3 min read 287

AI & Creativity: Deep Dream comes true

Artificial Intelligence always fascinated me. Not only as a useful set of tools, continuously evolving, but also as an experiment field. Some...
2 min read

Want to know who the leader is? Ask him to decide.

One of the most valuable things an effective leader can offer an organization is the ability to make decisions, hopefully the...
4 min read

Should we be worried about our past?

On leaving behind digital breadcrumbs. In his revealing and subliminal book on Business Strategy, Only the Paranoid Survive, Intel’s C.E.O Andrew...
2 min read 173

Year-end rally to come in global equities, led by emerging markets

I recently wrote that I would be enlisting the help of friends and family to help make up for some of...
5 min read 350

Your business is built on the foundations you exhibit.

Brick by Brick, regardless of your presence. You can learn a lot by observing children about the parents who raised them....
3 min read

Forget about Oil, Water is the future.

We’re not running out of alternatives for fuel. The energy sector was once a booming glory of investors, no matter the market’s...
3 min read 410

To Gain an Edge, Influencers Move Markets

Influencer marketing raises several questions: Not only what is it, but is it still a thing? Henny Mohenyi Maruapula adamantly affirms...
2 min read 146